.. _examples: Examples ======== .. _bench_func_example: bench_func() method ------------------- Benchmark using the :meth:`Runner.bench_func` method to measure the time elapsed when sleeping 1 ms: .. literalinclude:: examples/bench_func.py ``time.sleep()`` is used to simulate a real workload taking at least 1 ms. .. _bench_async_func_example: bench_async_func() method ------------------------- .. literalinclude:: examples/bench_async_func.py ``asyncio.sleep()`` is used to simulate a real workload taking at least 1 ms. .. _timeit_example: timeit() method --------------- Benchmark using the :meth:`Runner.timeit` method to performance of sorting a sorted list of 1000 numbers using a ``key`` function (which does nothing): .. literalinclude:: examples/bench_timeit.py .. _bench_command_example: bench_command() method ---------------------- Benchmark using the :meth:`Runner.bench_command` method to measure the time to run the ``python -c pass`` command: .. literalinclude:: examples/bench_command.py .. _bench_time_func_example: bench_time_func() method ------------------------ Microbenchmark using the :meth:`Runner.bench_time_func` method to measure the performance of ``dict[key]``: .. literalinclude:: examples/bench_time_func.py Pass ``--help`` to the script to see the command line options automatically added by ``pyperf``. The ``mydict[key]`` instruction is repeated 10 times to reduce the cost of the outer ``range(loops)`` loop. To adjust the final result, ``runner.inner_loops`` is set to ``10``, the number of times that ``mydict[key]`` is repeated. The repetition is needed on such microbenchmark where the measured instruction takes less than 1 microsecond. In this case, the cost the outer loop is non negligible. .. _hist_scipy_cmd: hist_scipy script ----------------- Example to render an histogram in graphical mode using the ``scipy`` module: .. literalinclude:: examples/hist_scipy.py Usage:: python3 hist_scipy.py [-n BINS/--bins=BINS] filename.json * ``--bins`` is the number of histogram bars (default: 25) This command requires the ``scipy`` dependency. Example:: $ python3 hist_scipy telco.json Output: .. image:: hist_scipy_telco.png plot ---- Script using ``matplotlib`` to plot values: .. literalinclude:: examples/plot.py Usage:: $ python3 plot.py telco.json $ python3 plot.py -b telco suite.json # only render telco benchmark export_csv ---------- Script exporting the average of run values as CSV: .. literalinclude:: examples/export_csv.py Usage:: $ python3 plot.py telco.json telco.csv $ python3 plot.py result.json -b telco telco.csv